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Garden wedding Villa Le due Torrette

Alyssa & Daniele: a garden wedding in the villa

Ph: Rossella Putino
Couple: Alyssa & Daniele

Alyssa and Daniele chose to celebrate their love with an enchanting garden wedding at Villa le due Torrette.

The dominant colour, pink, permeated every detail of the event, matching perfectly with the greenery that reigns at the Villa. From the floral circle that framed the bride and the groom during the cerimony, to every single flower that adorned the location, pink created a very romantic atmosphere.

The cerimony in the garden took on the appearance of a fairytale, but it didn’t ended here: the orangerie, with its unique and enveloping atmosphere added a further touch of magic to the day.



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+585 889 996 96 184 Main Collins Street Victoria
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An exclusive location

Villa Le due Torrette is a historical residence located in Erba, near Lake Como, easily accessible from Milan, Monza, Lecco and Bergamo. Ideal for holding ceremonies, private events, business events and meetings, it will make your every event unforgettable.

+39 393 8477793 Via Chiesa Molinari 18/20 - 22036 Erba (Como)
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